How many of us check their municipal tax?

BOSKRUIN - Disgruntled resident cautions the public to check their municipal bills and the taxes that they pay for.

Disgruntled Boskruin resident writes:

I have been muttering, quite loudly, for the past year about charges imposed by certain entities.

I have drastically reduced my electricity consumption, yet, I still find my account excessive.

I have just received my March 2015 account and decided to highlight what I believe to be a total rip off by City Power.

The cost of electricity I actually used was R423.14.

The actual total amount that is billed is R905.61.

This is due to R93.85 Service charge (what actual service do we get for this charge?)

Then there is R276.47 Network charge (again we are on the network so City Power can load shed when they please).

There is also R111.09 VAT.

We are being charged VAT on enforced extras and not for our actual usage.

Why is VAT not charged on usage only?

I wonder if City Power can properly explain, or will they do what they usually do best, hide away and think this will be forgotten.

Well, it won’t be forgotten because we are all reminded of it each and every month!

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