GALLERY: Alleged criminal burnt to death

ZANDSPRUIT - As police investigate and try to identify the dead body that was found this morning in Zandspruit, community members say this was good riddance.

A man believed to be part of a gang that has been terrorising the Zandspruipt community was found burnt to death in the early hours of Tuesday 17 March in the settlement. The deceased’s body was found with feet tied with a steel wire, which is commonly used for washing lines.

For residents, this was good riddance, as they say they will have to deal with one less criminal in their settlement.

“These guys really terrorised us. They broke into our homes and stole our belongings,” said one of the residents.

Another residents vehemently said, “They didn’t mind breaking into your home while you were in. They would rape women in front of their husbands. They were really bad.”

It is not clear who burnt the body, but information from the ground suggest that there has been a group of people, allegedly from Cosmo City, who had been looking for the deceased and his accomplices for a while now.

The deceased’s shack was also dismantled before being burnt a few metres from its original stand.

Walking at the empty deceased’s home, empty small plastic packets were seen on the ground. One of the neighbours alleged the deceased was living an extravagant lifestyle for someone who was unemployed.

Honeydew Police are investigating the case and are still to comment.

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