Ex-pupil inspires school

BRYANSTON – Ex-St Stithian's headboy Dr Tinashe Chandauka recently paid a visit to the college.

Pupils from St Stithian’s Boys’ College were recently treated to a visit from ex-pupil Dr Tinashe Chandauka, who returned to the college to speak to them in the college chapel.

“I am very humbled to be back at St Stithian’s College. The school really prepared me for my career. I am truly thankful,” he said.

Chandauka was headboy at the college in 2007.He qualified with an MB ChB from the University of Cape Town in 2014, in addition to being elected President of the UCT Surgical Society and President of the International Association of Student Surgical Societies.

He has recently been selected to become a Rhodes Scholar in the Class of 2015 and will be studying a master’s in public policy at Oxford.

Headmaster of the Boys’ College David Knowles was extremely proud of Chandauke. “He was an excellent pupil, showing his strong will to succeed throughout his school career. Tinashe was Headboy in 2007, and he inspired his peers with his leadership qualities and his dedication to his studies. Tinashe is the first alumnus to win this prestigious award and we are sure that his future will be full of such accolades,” he said.

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