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Fix the basics, Mr Mayor – Potter

RANDBURG – Ward councillor urges the public to sign the Eskom petition which seeks to demand that their executives pay back their fat bonuses.

Ward Councillor 102 David Potter writes:

I have been monitoring the Whatsapp group of one of my #ward102 suburbs and was intrigued with the contents of some of the discussions.

While much of the below has been covered over the past few months or years, I feel the need to express my latest thoughts on how the City is (or is not) being run.

We all work, live and play in this City and all want it to be beautiful and well maintained; unfortunately this is not that easy and does not take place at the click of your or my fingers.

Grass does not always get cut… without a fight.

Traffic signals do not always get fixed… without a fight.

Street lights do not always shine only in the night… without a fight.

Tar reinstatements do not always get done… without a fight.

A correct bill, on time does not always reach your mailbox… without a fight.

Burst pipes do not always get fixed… without a fight.

The illegal building work next to your house do not always stop… without a fight.

The dumping on our pavements does not always get removed… without a right

Without a fight seems to be a little harsh and maybe it is. Let me put into context the use of this term.

The Mayor of Joburg has skipped right past or forgotten about the basics.

He and his office continue to focus on the big, lavish projects that cost the rate payers of Joburg an incredible amount of money but yet fails

often to fix the fight.

Residents of suburbs that have issues often assume that residents call their councillor and once issues are left on the desk of a councillor they

will get resolved. Sadly, this is not the case.

The fight that takes place via site meetings, emails, phone calls, newspaper articles, escalation to the managing directors of the entities, the City manager and political heads.

Fight information that is often ignored.

Councillors have the responsibility to respond to residents’ concerns, take up the issues with the local municipality and champion for the resolution –

either by escalating the issue to the City officials or guide residents to take other actions, such as the submission of a petition. The resolution is often

not a (quick) reality!

1. Residents must continue to Look and Log their issues.

2. Residents must vote for a party that can deliver and that has proved themselves capable of delivering when in power in a Province and/or


3. Residents must get involved in their suburb. Join in clean-ups, security patrols…

Mr Mayor, the basics matter a great deal.

Fix the basics and the rest will fall into place.

Broken Window

Theory: Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows.

Eventually, they may even break into the building, and if it’s unoccupied, perhaps become vagrants or light fires inside. Or consider a sidewalk. Some

litter accumulates. Soon, more litter accumulates. Eventually, people even start leaving bags of trash from take-out restaurants there or even break into

cars.” – James Q. Wilson

Sign the Eskom petition calling for the Eskom executives to pay back R63 million rand in bonuses

Sign here.

Details: Ward 102 Councillor David Potter 0828859688 david@oursuburb.co.za

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