Attempted hit and run of pupil

NORTH RIDING – Pupil taken to Helen Joseph Hospital after being hit by a car on her way to a Cosmo City school.

A distraught mother can no longer spend a day without crying as her 14-year-old daughter was recently hit by a car on the corner of Aureole Road and Northumberland Avenue in North Riding.

“My daughter Lenlisa was on the way to school when a man hit her with his car. The man tried to drive away but people who had seen the incident went after him and brought him back,” said Lisa Moyo.

When Lisa and her husband Bee Moyo arrived at the scene, they found Metro Police already taking care of their young girl.

“The police were there but they never took any statement of the man who hit my child. I asked them why and they said they are still looking after my daughter.”

According to Lisa, when the ambulance arrived, the Metro Police told her to accompany her daughter to Helen Joseph Hospital.

“They also let the man go without taking any statement from him or any of the witnesses on the scene. The following day we received a visit from Metro cops asking us if we know the name, place of residence and contact details of the man who hit our child. How can they ask us that when they were at the scene? They know the man tried to run away…” Lisa questioned.

Lisa claimed she has not received a case number.

“I have not heard anything from the authorities. I am struggling with my child because I have to pay hospital bills and I don’t have money. My daughter was hurt and needs crutches to try and walk. She is in pain, yet, the man who did this to her has not answered even one question,” Lisa said weeping for justice.

JMPD spokesperson Chief Superintendent Waynee Minnaar, however, insists that a case was recorded by the officers at the scene.

“There is a record of the incident and it will follow the appropriate investigation channels,” he said.

However Lisa said, “If it is being investigated, how come they were asking us for contact details. Where would they find this man”?

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