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Keep your cats away from my property– Reader

NORTHWOLD – The reader demands that cat lovers control their cats and stay away from her property.

Netsai Makombe of Northwold Gardens writes:

I write this letter in response to the letter[column] tittled Cat Mayhem published in Randburg Sun weekending 5 March 2015

I love animals, mostly dogs.

I’m not really fond of cats and right now I hate cats.

I was up for two hours last night coz [because] these cats won’t stop.

I constantly have to clean up my garden because there is cat poo everywhere.

My two-year-old son cannot enjoy the lovely play area outside because we fear he might eat cat poo.

I have had to redo my garden so many times because my plants won’t survive in cat poo.

I am eight months pregnant and have been living in fear of toxoplasmosis.

So I would request the cat owners to keep their cats off my property because now I cannot enjoy my home because of their cats.

I don’t have pets for a reason.

I don’t enjoy cleaning up after them.

Now I am constantly cleaning up after somebody else’s pets so yes it is very frustrating.

I am considering hiring a cat trap from the SPCA and handing these cats over.

I’ve been patient for three years but I think I’m past that stage now.

Not wanting animals on your property does not translate to you being a non-animal lover.

People don’t have pets for different reasons.

Editor’s note: Letter published unedited.

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