UPDATE: Ward councillor investigates Meteor Road

SUNDOWNER – Litter, tall grass, and need for street lights are being addressed.

Ward 114 councillor Maureen Schneemann has committed to tackling the municipal problems in Meteor Road, Sundowner, resolved.

The Johannesburg Roads Agency recently responded to the road not having a street sign, by stencilling the road name on two kerbs.

Ward 114 councillor Maureen Schneemann says she will raise the problems on Meteor Road, Sundowner, with the relevant authorities.

Since then, Schneemann inspected the road in light of its remaining problems.

“I see there is a bit of litter,” she said.

“I will speak to Pikitup and see if they will come and clean it.”

She also said that she will ask Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo to cut the overgrown grass next to the road, and raise the issue of the road not having any street lights, with City Power.

She commented that the litter problem will be a difficult one to resolve permanently, as it is an issue of residents needing to throw their rubbish away in bins instead of wherever they liked.

Details: Ward 114 councillor Maureen Schneemann maureensch@telkomsa.net, 083 297 1128.

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