Mad runner motivates pupils at Trinityhouse

RANDPARK RIDGE – Mad 2 Run runners will run from Randpark Ridge to Cape Town.

Mad 2 Run visited Trinityhouse High School Randpark Ridge on 11 February to discuss their upcoming run to Cape Town.

The group of 12 people will run from the school to Cape Town over eight days between 27 March and 4 April.

They will travel 1 490km in a relay run with two runners running at any given time, day or night, to try raise at least R1 million for the Mad Charity.

The charity supports pupils from less-fortunate backgrounds through education and life skills mentorship.

“We are on a vigorous training programme,” said Dylan Hobson, a Mad 2 Run athletic and former pupil at the school.

“We run 20km per day seven days a week.”

He added that most of the runners do not have experience in long-distance running, and the group is just made up of “ordinary guys wanting to do something for charity.”

Hobson continued that the Mad 2 Run group that ran last year raised R250 000, but his group is aiming for R1 million.

“What he [Hobson] is involved in is something we can be so proud of as a school and something we can support,” said senior deputy principal Clare Pretorius.

She asked every pupil to donate R20 toward the run.

Hobson then commented, “If every pupil gives R20 I will do 10km in a mankini.”

Details: Mad 2 Run or Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge or 011 794 4799.

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