Drugs for school kids

RANDPARK RIDGE – School children are said to be buying drugs at the Shell Garage outside school.

School children can enjoy an extra surprise with their packed lunches, thanks to drug dealers across the street.

Carte Blanche highlighted an alleged drug dealing problem at the Shell garage on the corner of President Fouché and Ysterhout drives, Randpark Ridge, just across the road from Rand Park High School, on 25 January.

The report showed video footage of pupils from the school at the garage, who allegedly bought drugs from drug dealers there every afternoon.

One pupil was called the “kingpin in the dealings”, assisted by another pupil. “We were not aware of this drug spot but extra patrols and operations will be implemented to arrest the drug dealers and drug users in this area,” said Honeydew Police Spokesperson Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs.

She added that last year two people were arrested for selling drugs to school pupils in Randpark Ridge.

“Rand Park High school has a zero-tolerance approach to the possession, use or supply of illegal and other unauthorised drugs within school boundaries,” said the school’s marketing, public relations and communications officer Heather Robinson.

“We will continue with our proactive approach to educating our pupils about the consumption of these substances and commission independent service providers to conduct random drug searches, tests and school raids from time to time, as has been done in recent years.”

She added that the school will discuss drugs in workshops and Life Orientation Classes.

Furthermore, the school will encourage whistle-blowers of drug dealings, and where a pupil has a substance abuse problem, provide support through an educational psychologist.

Ward 101 councillor Ralf Bittkau said that vagrants live around the intersection, and are in fact the drug dealers.

“I have asked the police and Metro Police to remove the vagrants,” he said.

Honeydew Sector 1 Community Policing Forum Chairperson Greg Pearce urged parents to be vigilant and prevent their children from buying drugs.

Shell South Africa was not immediately available for comment.

Details: Honeydew Police 011 801 8613; Rand Park High School 011 793 1246;

Ward 101councillor Ralf Bittkau 084 572 4002.

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