Matome calls on MEC to help Kya Sand

KYA SAND – Ward councillor calls on the MEC Jacob Mamabolo to help the community of Kya Sand Informal Settlement.

Ward Councillor Matome Mafokwane writes:

Dear MEC [Member of the Executive Committee of the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements and Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs] Jacob Mamabolo,

No one will deny that the illegal dump in Kya Sands Informal Settlement has reached crisis proportions and urgent interventions are needed.

Complaints about the condition of the Kya Sands Informal Settlement by individuals and businesses alike have met with limited responses at best from City Council and JMPD.

As the serving councillor for the Kya Sands settlement, I will be very supportive of any initiative to improve the living conditions and security in their area.

MEC, during your last visit to Kya Sands dating back October 2014, you, yourself indicated that something needed to be done about the situation but fall short of saying what is it that needs to be done.

Nevertheless, it must be emphasised that I am pro any initiative to turn the situation around and such must at all times be characterised by good faith and complete transparency.

Various proposals have been forwarded to my office for consideration and I would like to express and motivate for consideration by your department.

The fencing of the settlement, coupled with installing a security company, will help a great deal with ensuring that order is restored in the settlement.

The proposal will help to deal with three most important security threats.

Security officers working with all law enforcement agencies will help to combat all sorts of crimes in the settlement particularly, crimes against woman and children.

MEC, for those reasons I hereby call upon you to assist the community of Kya Sands by making the proposed solutions a reality.

I take this opportunity to thank you in advance and wish to hear from you soon.

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