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We want government’s help-recycle collectors

KENSINGTON B - Whether you like them or not but illegal recycle collectors have a role to play in the community.

Illegal recycle collectors say they want government to help them find a proper place to conduct their business.

Millicent Mackenzie, of Green Life Recyling which operates from an open land next to Randburg Magistates’ Court, says they have business proposal that seeks to help illegal recyle collectors.

“We have a list of all people whom we work with. We want a proper place where we can work from without causing any trouble. We are tired of being chased by police at night and some of us have lost our official documents. Some have been hit by cars on the street while they were pushing their trolleys,” explains Mackenzie.

She said she has spoken to the Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood about their business proposal because they want to avoid any criminal assumptions associated with homeless people.

Wood says “I have met Millicent and I welcome their proposal. I cannot give them permission to use government’s land, that is Public Works’ responsibility. I have advised them to speak to the department and get funding for their business proposal from a financial institution.”

Some of the illegal recycling collectors, who would not want their names published, argued that collecting waste is their only opportunity for employment and they want help from government. “Siyaziphandela. [We are hustling]. We don’t want to cause trouble or steal from people. We do this to buy food to eat,” remarked one of the homeless people.

According to Jenny Moodley of City Parks, their procurement policy says that any business entity that wants to work with them should be registered and have formal abode details.

“I cannot comment about living conditions of the displaced people or trolley enterpreneurs as we call them. But we can help them if they have a registered co-operative or company. They should also be registered with Sars. ‘Trollyprenuers’ are welcome to open a company but another project that might be of help to them, is Jozi@Work which seeks to address unemployment issues.”

Details : Ward 104 Councillor Mike Wood 082 853 2174, Green Life Recycling Millicent Mackenzie 072 574 5637

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One Comment

  1. I agree – government should help these trolleypreneurs (what an innovative name), make it easier for people – in fact they should have their own ‘soup’ kitchen once a week or something. And having to register to pay tax?!! Don’t joke.

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