Applause for alumni launch

The Randpark High School hosts a cocktail evening for the alumni.

Rand Park High officially launched its association for past pupils on 27 September at a special cocktail function.

Past pupils who matriculated between the years 1983 and 2013 attended the event and re-connected with friends from years gone by and several educators who have taught at the school for many years.

Craig Sumption, the school’s first head boy, who matriculated in 1983, was among the many who attended the event.

Eric Crawford, the school’s head boy in 1985, attended too.

The Rand Park High Alumni has been established to re-connect with the many old boys and girls who have attended the school.

The Alumni office is building a database of members which will be used to communicate and engage with those who wish to strengthen their connection with fellow alumni and the school.

Many who attended the event consider the years spent at Rand Park High as some of the best years of their life and fondly recall many memories of time spent with committed educators, establishing friendships, participating in school tours, achieving personal milestones, and representing the school in numerous academic, cultural and sporting activities.

Membership is open to everyone who attended Rand Park High School. Principal Alan Wilke proposed a toast to the future success of the alumni and added, ”There is no fee attached to membership, however, we are looking for those individuals who genuinely want to be associated with the school again and benefit from a growing network of alumni.”

Any Rand Park High ‘old boys and girls’ may join the Rand Park High Alumni by sending an email to

Details: or 011 793 1246.

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