Life is an adventure, even when suffering

NORTH RIDING – Dewaal Lloyd is paralysed waist-down and in pain. Still he eagerly wonders what will happen next.

The severity of the situation Dewaal Lloyd is in, is matched only by the strength of his positive outlook in life. The 77-year-old man known by his friends as ‘Wally’ was undergoing surgery in 2002, when he was accidentally dropped off the theatre table. Paralysed waist-down, and his spine permanently damaged, he was placed in a wheelchair and a retirement village.

Then, two years ago Lloyd fell out his wheelchair and broke both his legs. Being unable to sit for more than 15 minutes because of chronic pain, he is constrained to a prone position for the rest of his life. Last year his son died of a heart attack. Due to this, Lloyd ran out of funds early this year. Abbey Cross Lodge bore him for seven months for free, but can no longer do so, and have asked him to leave by 15 October unless he starts paying. His family is unwilling to assist.

“I do not think life has been unfair,” he says. “You come into this world naked and you go out naked. I consider life an adventure. Even this, even these circumstances, I look at this as an adventure. I wonder what will happen now.” He adds that he “counts his blessings”. Even smiles from caregivers and cups of tea are appreciated.

His girlfriend for three years, and love of his life, Diane Herschel is “very frustrated”. “He is the most inspiring person I have ever met,” she says. “He never tells anyone his problems, and encourages people who visit. I have to say that Chrizelle [Brentot] has been amazing. It is only through her generosity that he is still here.”

Brentot is the co-owner of the lodge, who says that she “would love to keep him” but cannot afford to. In the last seven months, Lloyd’s account has reached R70 000 in arrears. “The decision is extremely difficult for me,” she says. Brentot is willing to write off Lloyd’s debt if someone can help him move to a new home.

Lloyd has been accepted to receive a state pension, but it will not be enough to pay for his expenses. His medication alone costs about

R5 500 per month. Herschel, and Lloyd’s friend Beth Vermeulen, have rallied their friends and churches to donate money and essentials for Lloyd.

Details: Abbey Cross Lodge, 083 228 0933; Dewaal Lloyd 076 330 5851.

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