‘Hard work pays’ – Mapaseka Koetle

RANDBURG - Mapaseka Koetle tells of how she wants to make a difference in society

Mapaseka Kotle is fast becoming the darling of South African soapies.

For the past months, the sultry Koetle has captivated the country with her acting role on e.tv’s popular soapie Scandal.

“I am having an incredible time acting as Dintle, although we are so much different,” she said.

“My background played a role about where I want to be – for me it’s not about being a celebrity, it’s about working hard.”

She dismisses any suggestion that she is a celebrity, given that she is in the public eye. “I am not a celebrity, I am just a working actress.”

I am very grateful for Scandal, I believe that my hard work and talent got me where I am today, and the way I work with people is so incredible.”

Koetle who is originally from Bloemfontein, gained national acclaim when she started acting in Scandal.

She is also a graduate at AFDA and has also ventured in theatre. She has her own events company called Pasi Events which rents out mobile billboards. Her future endeavours include paying school fees for the less fortunate.

“My background is motivating me to actually help those in needs…growing up has been difficult, even paying for school fees was so hard, but today I want to make a difference. I will be paying for the less fortunate pupils at Rocklands School in Bloemfontein where I come from,” she said.

Her fame trajectory has been impressive and she believes she is blessed that she can bless other people.

Koetle informed that she is motivated and inspired by actress Nthati Moshesh who keeps her grounded at all times.

Despite the applause and attention, Koetle reckons she still has a lot to learn and to achieve. “If you forget who you are, whatever you achieve will mean nothing. I always remember where I come from, and the struggles that I had to endure and today I just want to work hard and help the less fortunate.

“Everything I have today came at the right time, and I believe that God knows what we want and what we want to achieve. I put in a lot of hard work and preparation for my work. I fully recognise that this opportunity is God given,” she concludes.

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