Bloubosrand fears potential protests

BLOUBOSRAND – Ward 96 councillor Matome Mofokwane assures community that the situation is being monitored.

A potential protest threat has been issued by Ward 96 councillor, Matome Mofokwane, but he has assured community members that the situation is under control and being monitored.

Members of Bloubosrand informal settlement threatened protest action on 4 September after City Power cut the electricity flow to the tall mast lights which light the settlement at night.

The situation was however kept under control and the protest did not take place.

It was cut because it was established that more than 300 shacks run illegal connections from these mast lights in order to access electricity, which they do not pay for.

On 5 September, Mofokwane stated that the situation is still tense and he fears tensions may flare over the coming weekend. “We’re not out of the woods as yet,” he said.

“I would prefer to negotiate with these settlers in a peaceful manner, but under no circumstances will I condone criminal activity in my ward.”

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