A celebration of spirituality

BLAIREGOWRIE – Light and Joy Holistic Fayre opens the mind and soothes the soul.

The Light and Joy Holistic Fayre was held at the Blairgowrie Recreation Centre on 30 and 31 August.

In celebration of all things spiritual, the fayre focused on healing of the body, mind and soul through meditation, crystals and prayers to name but a few.

Event organisers Ingrid van Gund and Lara Cizek were very pleased with the turnout and that all the vendors were busy throughout the fayre. “It’s been a great success so far,” said Van Gund.

Reiki Master Danie Malan enlightened event goers through energy rejuvenation and colour therapy, while Maduri Madhavji shared her wisdom on meditation and prayers.

Several holistic practitioners also gave interesting talks on subjects regarding holistic spiritualism, meditation education and life’s purposes.

The next Light and Joy Holistic Fayre will be taking place also at the Blairgowrie Recreation Centre at the end of November and all Randburg residents are invited to come network, meet like-minded people and find their spiritual enlightenment.

Details: Light and Joy Holistic Fayre 083 455 0295

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