Investigations baffle Metrobus

FONTAINEBLEAU – Investigators suspect foul play.

Medical attention was given to the victims on the scene of the bus accident Republic Road
The scene of the bus accident on Republic Road, in Randburg.
Onlookers baffled by the cause of the accident on Republic Road.



FONTAINEBLEAU – Preliminary investigations by Metrobus into the freak bus accident that killed four people on Republic Road on 21 July, has not yielded any conclusive results.

Metrobus spokesperson Esther Dreyer has stated that a thorough technical investigation was done and that they found the bus technically and mechanically fit, with all braking systems declared fully operational and functional.

“The braking system of the bus in question was tested on 3 June and everything was found to be in order,” Dreyer said.

She also reiterated that it did not roll back, as other newspapers reported, it rolled forward down Republic Road toward Rabie Street for approximately 900m.

“If the air in the brakes is lost, the spring brakes will immediately release and will activate the emergency braking system which will make the bus to come to a halt immediately,” explained Dreyer.

The emergency braking system had either failed that fateful afternoon, or it was possibly tampered with.

Metro Police has handed the case over to Linden Police Station and a case of culpable homicide has been opened so they can conduct more detailed investigations to establish whether or not there was any foul play.

“Metrobus requests that anyone who has information that can assist the law enforcement agencies or Metrobus in successfully concluding this investigation, to bring such information to the fore and refrain from commenting in the media,” asked Dreyer.

Management of Metrobus is also conducting further investigations to establish whether any of their standard operating procedures were not adhered to in the process or whether there are any gaps in their procedures.

“Metrobus remains committed to providing our commuters with a reliable, safe and comfortable bus service transport on a daily basis in the City of Johannesburg,” concluded Dreyer. “Once again, we extend our sincere condolences to the families that lost their loved ones during the tragedy and wish a speedy recovery to those injured in the accident.”

Comment from Linden Police Station to follow.

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