A little act of kindness

SUNDOWNER – It is not every day that you hear about people helping older people out of the goodness of their hearts.


Sundowner resident Isabel McMurray (80), is thankful to still have people with a kind heart.

McMurray said she had been shopping at a local shopping centre and walking back home when Santosh Naidoo stopped on the street in his vehicle and offered to give her a lift home.

“The man was really sweet. He reassured be that he was no criminal and would cause no harm when he offered to give me a ride home,” said McMurray.

“It is not every day you hear about someone offering an old woman a lift. Although there are bigger problems to talk about, however, as much as the bad is discussed, the good that people do must be mentioned too,” she added.

Naidoo said, “I had just picked up my son from school and was on my way to the Rock Cottage Shopping Centre when I noticed McMurray, I then saw her walking back and thought to offer her a lift home.”

Naidoo said that McMurray told him that she walks because of her poor eye sight and can therefore no longer take her car; he then offered to drive her to the shops should she need him.

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