City Power-less

RANDBURG – Loss to property due to City Power’s negligence run into the thousands, but entity refuses to help.

In another update on the power surge issues experienced by Randburg residents recently, City Power has once again failed to respond to Randburg Sun inquiries.

A follow up to the story Power surges damage electrical appliances (week ending 2 May) more complaints and questions have been unearthed regarding City Power’s negligence.

Randpark resident, Derek Lloyd has also come forward and expressed his dismay at the entity’s lack of co-operation with the public, as well as that of their insurers, Marsh. Lloyd is yet another resident who tried to claim for loss of property because of the surges that took place in December last year.

“I dealt with Marsh and just got, at most, lip service,” complained Lloyd.

“I was given the run around prior to them sending me the repudiation letter which stated that as it was cable theft, they were not covered and as such would not pay out.”

Ward 98 councillor Laurette Van Zijl also proceeded to do her own investigation in the matter, which came to interesting conclusions.

“The power surges in Randpark toward the end of last year did not happen as a result of stolen cables. There was vandalism at one of the substations,” stated Van Zijl. “However, as I understood, there was a power interruption from the Eskom side. When that was fixed, City Power technicians did not connect the neutral which was the direct cause of the power surges.”

If Van Zijl does not stand corrected, however, then City Power may be liable for the damages and their insurers may have no choice but to pay out the damage claims by residents, which run into thousands.

Once again, after numerous phone calls and emails to City Power for their comments, the entity has failed to respond.

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