All residents are invited to the open day

BORDEAUX SOUTH - Ward 102 committee member Elinor Bodinger invites all residents to join them for a fun open day on 13 April at the local park.

The Bordeaux South Residents Association invites all residents to join them on their open day at the park corner of Park Avenue and Main Street on 13 April.

Elinor Bodinger a Ward 102 committee member and chairman of the Bordeaux South Residents Association said the open day is not only for residents who want to join the association but for other communities in other suburbs in and around Randburg to enjoy the park, and take part in all the fun activities that would be taking place on the day.

“This will create a sense of belonging for residents thus making them feel good about their neighbourhood and encourage them to take pride in its beauty,” expressed Bodinger.

Bodinger stated that the residents association has done numerous projects in the area which have helped improve the way Bordeaux South looks. The monthly fee paid by members to the association has made it possible for the park, roads and security of the suburb to be kept up to date. Bodinger has urged people to join the Bortheaux South and increase membership which has 250 members at present.

“It is often a challenge for us to run the association when people who are not members ask for our assistance with City Council matters. Being a part of the association ensures that you are covered and get the best assistance with the City of Johannesburg when necessary,” explained Bodinger.

“We cannot do anything without the help of residents, we therefore ask that they help us, help them. Being a part of the association would be the first step.”

Details: Chairman of the Bordeaux South Residents association Elinor Bodinger

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