New system proposed for the homeless

RANDBURG – Plans underway for new system featuring Randburg's first homeless shelter.

The plight of homeless people could change if the proposed system by the activist for the homeless, is successful.

Mary Gillett-de Klerk, founder and CEO of Johannesburg Organisation of Services to the Homeless (Josh), is trying to establish a new system of helping homeless people. The new system would link soup kitchens, establish the first homeless shelter in Randburg, provided job skills training, self-created work and cheap apartments, according to the CEO of Josh.

“Normally soup kitchens help people for free and are a revolving door,” Gillett-de Klerk explained.

“I believe helping properly means people must be willing to act to help themselves.”

Her vision is to develop a system whereby homeless people can buy a booklet of tickets from petrol stations and shops for about R30 and trade one ticket at any soup kitchen for a meal.

At the soup kitchen, homeless people would be directed to the Josh Randburg Shelter, which, after being constructed would be the first homeless shelter in Randburg, where people will sleep, receive counselling and learn skills to help them find jobs.

The founder of Josh said that when a person had found a job, he or she will afford to move into a cheap apartment organised by Josh and be self-sufficient.

“It is a model based on changing people’s minds from dependency to dignity,” Gillett-de Klerk added.

Before any of this can be realised Gillett-de Klerk must first find available vacant land on which to build the shelter.

She has engaged in discussions with a representative of Mintek to be given land next to Malibongwe Drive in Praegville.

The Randburg Sun phoned the representative repeatedly, but he did not answer by the time of going to print.

Furthermore Gillett de-Klerk still needs to organise a deal with an accommodation company to house people when they begin to be self-sufficient.

Josh, registered as a non-profit company in December last year, has no paid employees but it needs volunteers to assist in administration.

It also requires donations of office equipment and stationery.

“I’m offering Josh as a solution to allow homeless to help themselves,” Gillett de-Klerk said.

Details: Johannesburg Organisation of Services to the Homeless (JOSH)

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