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Safety tips for exercising outdoors

Dial Direct offers these additional safety tips when exercising outdoors: • Run or cycle in a group – There is safety in numbers. • Stick to busier roads – Avoid running alone in unpopulated, unfamiliar areas. • Do not wear jewellery – This is tempting eye-candy for thieves. • Always trust your intuition – If …

Dial Direct offers these additional safety tips when exercising outdoors:

• Run or cycle in a group – There is safety in numbers.

• Stick to busier roads – Avoid running alone in unpopulated, unfamiliar areas.

• Do not wear jewellery – This is tempting eye-candy for thieves.

• Always trust your intuition – If you’re unsure about a person or a place, avoid it.

• Tell somebody where you are going – leave word at home about where you plan to go and how long you plan to be out.

• Strap cell phones and other devices securely to yourself – Ideally, try to carry them so that they are not easily visible to would-be thieves. For example, put your smart phone in a flat belt bag under your shirt.

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