OPINION: Improve the value of your property in 10 easy steps

First impressions count, so get your home as clean, colourful and spacious as possible before show day.

There are some very simple yet effective tips when presenting your home to prospective buyers.

1. Ensure the garden is tidy – rid it of leaves and unsightly mess.

2. Add colour to the garden, plant some seedlings or buy some colourful pots.

3. Clutter is unattractive and makes a room look smaller. Get rid of anything you don’t need and should not be in sight.

4. Make your home squeaky clean. Buyers will buy more for clean properties.

5. In terms of house numbers, make it simple and clear. Remove personalised signs and things like, ‘Never mind the dog beware of owner.’ This is very cheesy.

6. Ensure the house is in tiptop shape. Get a handyman in wherever necessary.

7. No one wants a dog jumping all over them while viewing a house. Take them for a walk.

8. The old but good tip: Create great smells by brewing coffee, baking cookies or lighting scented candles.

9. Put new towels in the bathroom and kitchen.

10. Tidy the garage, shed and loft areas. Serious buyers will look at everything and you don’t want to lose a buyer because your garage has oil spills on the floor and is packed to the rafters, and another seller has a garage where you can eat off the floor. His house will sell and yours won’t.

Adrienne Milner is the owner of Weltevreden Park-based real estate agents A. Milner Realty.

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