February is all about health

Take a minute to inform yourself of the nature of diabetes during Healthy Lifestyles Awareness Month.

February is Healthy Lifestyles Awareness Month and Netcare Olivedale Hospital said diabetes was a prominent concern in South Africa.

According to the World Health Organisation, about 347 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. The most prevalent form of this disease, diabetes type 2, makes up 90 to 95 percent of all cases of diabetes and can be prevented by making the correct lifestyle choices.

According to Dr Anchen Laubscher, medical director of Netcare, diabetes was a fast-growing problem in South Africa where large numbers of people remain undiagnosed and untreated.

Laubscher said in many individuals the development of diabetes type 2 was linked to an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle and the condition can therefore be prevented by adopting a healthier way of life, including a balanced diet, regular exercise and maintaining the correct weight.

Where diabetes type 1 results from the lack or diminished effectiveness of insulin, diabetes type 2 is caused by decreased insulin secretion or insulin resistance associated with obesity.

Insulin is produced by the pancreas to convert sugars in food into energy, which people use in daily activities.

Diabetes typically may lead to serious vascular diseases such as kidney disease, stroke and heart attack. Diabetes type 2 is most common in adulthood, although increasing numbers of younger people are being diagnosed with it.

The disease has reached epidemic levels worldwide.

A frequent need to urinate, being thirsty often, increased appetite, ongoing tiredness and blurred, changeable vision are some of the symptoms of both forms of diabetes.

Even if you notice just one of these symptoms it is worth having a basic screening test done by your doctor or pharmacist.

Diabetes can be successfully managed, especially if detected in good time.

Details: Netcare Olivedale Hospital, 011 777 2000.

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