Vampires: prevention is better than a cure

BLAIRGOWRIE - With a rumoured vampire roaming the area we thought it pertinent to investigate methods of protecting oneself from vampires just to be on the safe side.

After trawling the web and laughing till our sides hurt we found Silverhand’s Vampire Hunter’s Guide to be the most extensive.

According to Silverhand the most common means of protection from a vampire are:

He not only advises one on how to protect yourself from a vampire but also offers details on:

We also came across a fascinating article by Robyn Johnson on how to protect yourself from vampires around the world.

The description of vampires in Southern Africa reads as follows:

A witch’s familiar handed down the matrilineal line, the impundulu inflicts an insatiable blood-thirst upon its mistress’s enemies. To the witch, the impundulu takes the appearance of a handsome, sexually receptive young man (you can see why they keep it in the family), but when out running errands it transforms into the lightning bird, a roughly human-sized rainbow-feathered bird that casts electric bolts with its wings.

How to protect yourself:

Effectively immortal, the impundulu is impervious to many customary methods of protection, except being set on fire. You just have to catch it first. Other than that, a local healer might have a magical salve created from impundulu fat that will help stave off an attack.

Click here to read Johnson’s full article on vampires around the world.

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