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Message from Ward 102 councillor

David Potter, Ward 102 councillor, reflects on the highlights and challenges he faced this year and reveals his plans for 2014.

”The increased active citizenry as a result of the launch of the Look and Log campaign that started in Ward 102, was one of the highlights of the past year. Another huge win was the inclusion of changes to the Conrad Drive bridge in the 2014/2015 budget,” he said.

Potter reiterated that his main concerns continue to relate to the rate at which service delivery issues take place. He added that many issues in the Ward fail to get resolved unless someone intervenes.

”While billing issues seem to be have decreased, the queries do not stop coming in. It is with thanks to the City Council’s Randburg Walk-in Centre that queries are being resolved better than ever before. However, a concern for many including sports clubs is the slow rate at which the City Council’s valuations department is processing the objections to the last general valuation roll. While objections are being processed, residents and sports clubs are forced to cough up the difference, which puts serious financial strain on families and the clubs.”

He expressed his disappointment that City Council has failed to act on an important petition related to road safety outside Bordeaux Primary School.

”From the time the petition was submitted, it took the City Council and the Johannesburg Roads Agency 16 months to act, with the recommendations still not met in full. The roads agency needs to implement traffic calming measures outside the school, where pupils are at serious risk when contending with speeding motorists.”

On a lighter note, Potter is pleased that residents have stepped up and are starting to see the benefits of Looking and Logging. Residents are encouraged to continue to look and log over the festive season and in the coming year.

”To my ward committee, who are active in their respective suburbs and portfolios, thank you. The work done by the committee is important and assists me greatly. A thank you also goes to the residents’ associations, suburb watches that are active in ensuring safety of their suburbs and service delivery.”

Potter plans to continue focusing on ensuring that the City Council delivers services to the residents and businesses of Ward 102 in the coming year. Another focus in the Ward is to ensure the Randburg Revitalisation Strategy is implemented to ensure that the Randburg CBD thrives.

“I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Travel safe during the festive season and start 2014 with refreshed thinking and energy.”

“It will be an interesting year in South African politics. Remember to register to vote on 8 or 9 February next year.”

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One Comment

  1. I think and am very sure that I am not getting anywhere with getting the street lights fixed in Surrey Avene Ferndale! I reported ours out, 336 Surrey Avenue, between Hill & Dover Streets on 16 December and have consistently followed up. Ref 214 670 3568. Am told repeatedly that it has been escalated. Please can someone help with this. Surrey Avenue is in darkness!!!
    Thanks. Linda Munton

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