Illegal dumping signs not helping

Residents on the verge of giving up hope.

An illegal dumping sign was erected in Olivedale with the aim to reduce dumping.

Resident Heidi Sternberg said, “I live in a complex on the corner of Jacaranda Avenue and President Fouche Drive. There is an open piece of land opposite the complex where illegal dumping has been taking place for the last couple of weeks. The rubbish consists mainly of building rubble.”

Ward 101 councillor Ralf Bittkau said, “Illegal dumping is a major concern in the area and the only solution is for residents to become proactive and log their issues with Pikitup and send me the reference numbers for escalation”.

Ingrid Nel, who is also a resident in the area, said, “A no dumping sign was erected by the City of Johannesburg with numbers to call if you spot illegal dumping. I have called them twice and have received no feedback about the situation yet”.

Pikitup was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.

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