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A walk in Delta Park

VICTORY PARK - Committee steps in and makes a change

Suburban parks have multiple uses from recreation to a relaxed afternoon walk after a busy day at work.

Residents who visited Delta Park had difficulty using the pathway close to the bird sanctuary because it was eroded and extremely narrow. Delta Park users committee member Shirley Tebbutt said, “The project was started five weeks ago to resurface the walk way in the park. Tom Harrison came up with the idea to do the repairs. He organised the cement and paid for the car guards to do the work. The two dedicated workers, Volcar and Shepherd was trained by Hammond and they worked on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.”

“Hammond and myself are voluntary workers in the park. I want to thank Hammond and Harrison for their hard work and dedication,” added Shirley.

Construction worker Peter Hammond added, “A average of 50 wheelbarrows was carted down the road after we mixed the concrete next to the sanctuary. We also added a water diversion pipe to allow water to run into the sanctuary and away from the path.” The boy scouts at the park allowed the workers to store equipment inside their premises after hours. Two sets of poles were planted as a calming measure to slow down cyclists using the walk way.

Tebbutt said, “I want to thank every resident that dropped off food for the workers.” Hammond concluded, “I hope that the wider pathway will make it easier for people to navigate through the park.”

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