GALLERY and VIDEO: From Olivedale to the American Football World Cup

OLIVEDALE – Tyler Cawood is off to the American Football World Cup in China.

At first glance, Tyler Cawood appears to be an ordinary 18-year-old, but this Olivedale teen is on his way to becoming an international American Football star playing for the Australian team.

Cawood will play in the American Football World Cup (GridIron) in June and July and will compete against countries like the USA, China, and New Zealand. Born and bred in Olivedale, Cawood played rugby from the age of nine years old before he moved to Australia with his mother in his first high school year.

“One of my friends asked me to join in for a game of American Football by chance. When I put on the helmet and the padded top somehow it just made sense and I fell in love with the sport,” Cawood said.

He said because of his rugby background he had no trouble adjusting to the different rules of the game and he immediately started researching local clubs he could join.

“I joined the New South Wales team in their second season but I missed the championships because I had to fly to South Africa to visit my dad for the holidays. To my surprise in January this year I received a letter from the international team asking me to attend their four-day camp,” he explained.

Cawood and 98 other hopefuls attended the camp where he was one of 45 players selected to play in Australia’s first international team that is already ranked fourth in the world.

Cawood’s future hopes and dreams are to live in the USA and play college football as a professional American Football player.

He added that even though he lives abroad, South Africa would remain his home in his heart as his family still lives in Olivedale.

“Most of my friends are still here and I will always come back to South Africa because my dad and sister still live here. I will always come and visit,” he said.

When Cawood is not playing football he can be found riding his quad bike, boating, fishing or studying. He also said that he enjoys spending time with his girlfriend of two years, Alice Gilby from Australia.

“I am currently studying sports management as it will help me to manage my career in the future,” he said.

Cawood has set up a Go Fund Me page to raise money for his trip to China and asked residents for their support.

“So far I have raised $2 850 AUD and am still a little short to get to $5 000 AUD,” he added.

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