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Parkview’s CPF and SAPS urge the elderly to be on alert

The Parkview Community Policing Forum provides the elderly with safety tips.

A local Community Policing Forum (CPF) and SAPS are cautioning elderly residents, to follow trends in the area.

Parkview’s CPF chairperson, Geraldine Connell, noted that the recent crime statistics show a trend of criminals targeting the elderly.

“The modus operandi is to observe elderly residents – either when they are buying their groceries or when they leave and enter their homes. Criminals either follow them home or wait for them to enter or leave their homes and force entry at this time.”

Other tactics include jumping over the walls of neighbouring properties and scouting out their homes from within their gardens and once access has been gained, the victims can be handled quite aggressively.

The Parkview CPF urges elderly residents to increase their vigilance, as well as to take additional safety precautions:

  • Always look around in your street as you leave or enter your property.
  •  Report any unusual people or vehicles to your security company or SAPS.
  • Do not leave or enter if you suspect you may be forced to let criminals in.
  • Be aware of who is watching you when you are shopping.
  • If you suspect that a car is following you home, do not go home but drive to Parkview SAPS.
  • Try to not use your cellphone in public places where it can easily be snatched.
  • Have your neighbour’s phone numbers on speed dial.

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