
Orion College’s principal highlights the importance of teachers

Illiteracy, poverty and crime would be combated with more teachers, principal says.

South Africa is in need of more teachers, but they have to be passionate about the job.

So said principal of Orion College’s high school Louis Buitendag.

“They say teaching is a half-day job and yes, it is, but afterwards you need to sleep for 12 hours because you are so tired,” he joked, though there is much truth in this.

“We do not do it for the pay, we do it to change lives. Every day is a new experience and you look at it with a positive mindset.

“Of course, there is room for growth and promotion. A teacher who works hard can become head of department, and later a principal, with salary increases to boot.

“But only passionate people who enjoy teaching usually rise through the ranks.”

Also read: Orion College’s high school principal has a passion for the job

Buitendag has been principal at the remedial school in Randpark Ridge for 11 years, but has been teaching at various schools since 1984.

“Teaching is the way we can make our country better. Education combats many of our problems in society, like poverty and crime. I used to work at government schools and it was one teacher for every 45 learners. During break they would leave the school and not come back, and little could be done about it.”

Children who do not attend school can stay illiterate, he said, and have a disadvantage in life. If there were more teachers, it would be easier to control, discipline and educate children.

“The government should invest in teachers and schools. Yes, there are schools and places of learning for adults but few people use these, so ensuring the human right of education is provided for at a young age will do much for South Africa.”

Furthermore, heading a remedial school and seeing children with learning difficulties daily, Buitendag believes every school should at least have occupational and speech therapists, if not other kinds of licensed therapists and school counsellors.

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