
A super day for Curro Castle’s little superheroes

SUNDOWNER – Curro Castle Aurora little ones enjoyed Superhero Day.

The little ones of Curro Castle Aurora had a blast dressing up as their favourite superheroes during their annual Superhero Day.

According to the school’s operational head, Angie Bezuidenhout the main point of the day was for the Grade R class to really learn what it means to be a superhero.

“Many of the people who are considered as heroes have unique qualities which were discussed in depth. Bravery, resilience, faith, determination, honour, courage and trust to name a few.

Curro Castle Aurora little ones dress up as their favourite superheroes. Photo: Supplied

“The children showed such incredible insight into who some of our everyday heroes could be and how they can improve their behaviour to being a good friend on the playground and be a hero in their friend’s eyes,” said Bezuidenhout.

The youngsters spent the day reading up, discussing and learning about their historical heroes, fictional heroes and everyday heroes.

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