
Police seize R1 500 000 worth of mandrax in Cosmo

COSMO CITY – Police seized an estimated R1 500 000 worth of Mandrax on 23 October.

Local police have put an enormous dent in the drug trade after the confiscation of an estimated R1 500 000 worth of Mandrax on 23 October.

According to Honeydew Police Station spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan, the drugs were heading to Cape Town from the Cosmo City area in a truck.

Officers were executing random stop-and-searches on South Africa and Malibongwe drives when they pulled over an interlinked white Volvo truck.

Muthan said, “The officers then searched the ‘horse’ and in the cabin they were amazed to find three large bags containing white tablets suspected to be Mandrax.”

The confiscated bags of suspected Mandrax with an estimated value of R1 500 000. Photo: Supplied.

The officers arrested two suspects aged 37 and 58 years. “On arrival at the station, suspects were interviewed and the truck was found to be on its way to Cape Town.”

The truck was impounded and is due to be sent to Cape Town for investigations into other crimes there. The two arrested suspects were charged with alleged possession of drugs and will appear in court soon.

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