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B3 Golf Day Challenge a success at Randpark Golf Club in its 16th year

RANDPARK – Golfers play to raise funds for school children with disabilities.


 The sun shone down kindly on those who played golf for a noble cause at the B3 Golf Day Challenge.

Joyous laughter and the typical golfing banter accompanied the groups of four as they made their way through Randpark Golf Club on 10 September.

Nicki Cottle tees off. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

The 16th annual event once again brought together business executives, insurance industry members, sponsors, individual golfers and friends of B3 Insurance Brokers to raise funds for the Kwa-Thema Stimulation Centre, a primary school for children with disabilities in the East Rand.

Robert Olivier tees off at the B3 Golf Day. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

While this good cause was at the fore of everyone’s mind on the day, many took their golfing very seriously, if not to compete with each other then at least to play according to their own high standards.

But frustrations that came with the odd shot into the bunker, river or trees were always doused with encouragement from fellow players.

It is a perfect day out at the B3 Golf Day. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Many a time, a whole group of players would exceed par on a hole and have to console each other. But by the end of the day, everyone left with a smile on their face and enjoyed a dinner together.

“It was an unbelievable day – there were no challenges and everyone had fun,” said Mabina Mothibe, who was golf marshal on the day.

Michael Fysh lines up his putt. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

“We have always had big supporters of the golf day and this year they did not disappoint.”

Mothibe said R400 000 was raised at last year’s golf day but the funds from this event are still being counted.

“It has been a tough year [in terms of finances] but people have come forward and we held lots of auctions and raffles on the day.”

Malefane Mokoena tees off straight and true at the B3 Golf Day. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Since 2003, the annual golf day has helped raise a functional structure with a facility with classrooms, kitchen, bathroom and a storeroom at The Kwa-Thema Stimulation Centre.

Thapelo Tshetlo putts the ball towards the hole. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

This building project is at its last stage with building plans approved for an office block. The process of constructing it is now underway.

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