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Foreign nationals seek to build the African continent alongside South Africans

WINSOR – Sam Tsveta and Dellain Phiri are two foreign nationals who sought a better life for their family.

Vendors, Dellain Phiri and Sam Tsveta are eager to emphasise their status as ‘honest hustlers’.

Phiri was born in Gokwe, a small village in Zimbabwe. The salesman left his life in Zimbabwe for greener pastures in South Africa. His children remained in Zimbabwe when he left in 2006. Windsor is where he has built a life for himself while supporting his family.

“I have chosen to be in Windsor since the place is safe, Since I’ve been in Windsor, I haven’t come across violence.”

Tsveta added, “We just want to be known as people who are making an honest living.”

Phiri continued, “Being a foreigner does not mean you must be attacked, beaten or even killed. South Africans, we are neighbours and we are of the same continent Africa and the same race. Let’s not kill each other like that, but rather unite and build Africa together. Not embarrass the continent by these acts.”

Phiri welcomed anyone in the market for second-hand books to visit him at Heathway Centre.

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