
Honeydew police offer some safety tips

HONEYDEW – Police have warned motorists not leave laptops in the boot of their vehicle.

The Honeydew Police Station has provided some tips to help community members keep safe.

Keep children safe:

  • Children must be taught their residential address and the telephone numbers of their parents or caregiver, in case they get lost
  • Children must also be taught to stay close to parents or caregivers, especially at swimming pools, beaches or busy shopping centres
  • Children should never wander off and are advised to avoid secluded places or taking shortcuts through alleys or deserted areas
  • It is essential that the ability to say no when they are faced with uncomfortable situations, is instilled in children – they should have no shame in saying no.

Shopping tips:

  • Bags should be carried around your neck and diagonally across your body
  • Ensure wallets are placed in an inside coat or the front pants pocket – not in your back pocket.

Safety at an ATM:

  • Isolated ATMs should be avoided as well as usage late at night
  • Cards or Pin codes should be kept secure and not offered to anyone for any reason – not even a bank official, security personnel or a police official
  • Never accept help from strangers when using an ATM
  • Ensure that your own card is returned after the transaction
  • Wherever possible, ensure that cash withdrawals are kept to a minimum.

Identity fraud prevention:

  • Always ensure your ID (identity book), passport and driver’s license are kept in a safe place
  • Personal information should not be given out on the phone, through the post or over the Internet unless you have initiated the contact or know whom you are dealing with.

Smash-and-grab prevention:

  • One must remain wary of people situated at traffic lights or intersections (also during peak traffic). Perpetrators have a history of positioning themselves next to someone else who is innocent while waiting for an opportunity to pounce. They may even point to something being wrong with your vehicle to get you to open your window or get out of your vehicle
  • Windows or doors should never be opened for any stranger
  • If obstacles on the road are encountered, such as rocks or tyres, do not get out of your vehicle to remove them – immediately reverse and drive off in the opposite direction
  • Laptops, bags, cell phones, briefcases or other valuables must never be kept visible on the seats of the vehicle – at any time
  • Children should never be left alone in the vehicle – not even for a moment. They should be taken with you, wherever you go.

Theft out of the motor vehicle:

  • Theft out of the motor vehicle has still been a problem and drivers are urged not to leave any property inside the vehicle or in the boot. Vehicles are mostly targeted at shopping centres and shopping malls
  • Laptops should never be left in the boot of the vehicle when parking the vehicle – take it with you at all timesn Always ensure that your vehicle has been locked properly.

What to do when you are attacked:

  • Think, do not panic – your mind is your first line of defence
  • Evaluate the situation – is someone near?
  • It is not advised to resist your attacker
  • Do not become aggressive or demanding
  • Suspects should not be argued with
  • Do not make sudden moves or gestures.

Details: 10111; Honeydew Police Station 011 801 8613/4/5; relief commander on duty 011 801 8620/21; 082 337 0925.

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