Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The state of business in Randburg

The work of the Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry ensures that businesses in the community have all the tools they need to succeed. They are the local Voice of Business at municipal, provincial and government level.

They facilitate opportunities for business, offer collaboration opportunities, execute various training and skills upliftment that members require and much more.

But what is the status of business in Randburg and how has it developed in the last 60 years? To answer this question, the chamber’s CEO, Linda Blackbeard shares some insight on the topic.

Blackbeard explained that businesses in Randburg range from Africa’s largest media house to successful medium-sized businesses and active small one-man businesses. “There are many budding start-ups emerging and exciting and go-getter entrepreneurs with such amazing ideas and skilled services on offer, in our midst. It’s so exciting to listen to their sustainable business ideas and see the fabulously energetic and skilled action taking place. To be a valuable part of their journey, to help them achieve their required results, often requires the chamber’s assistance and guidance going forward. What is even more inspiring is to see them in operation and watch them become formal businesses, trading effectively and successfully.”

Randburg is also home to a vast number of media and publication companies. It houses various media agencies, film and production and digital marketing and branding companies. Blackbeard added the industry sectors vary from, IT, food, leisure, tourism, various training companies, retail, Airbnb’s, energy solutions,
daycare centres, engineering companies, legal fraternity, medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies.

“Some areas in Randburg are also in the manufacturing sector, furniture, upholstery, clothing, décor, and construction,” she said.
With such diversity, Randburg is a bustling business space, amidst varying opinions of low confidence for investment and the general low tide of the economy Randburg still has what it takes to conduct effective sustainable businesses. At present, many businesses are finding it difficult to keep the doors open. That’s the reality. However, when you see the innovative ways that businesses are creating for themselves, to enable them to remain sustainable and make a profit, it’s most encouraging. It is also inspiring to see how many businesses are prepared to JV with other businesses in the area, to enable them to tender on various projects. This is just great.

“Randburg is now known as the media hub with Multichoice being the major business contributor within our area. Many other subsidiary businesses have sprung up, all relevant to the media industry sector. In the more recent past, we saw the development of new areas like Strijdom Park and Kya Sand, all offering varied and numerous business services, large, medium and small.”

How does the Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry support business and why should you be a member of the chamber?

• It is the formal business chamber supporting all legally registered local businesses
• It lobbies at local, provincial and national level on issues impacting business
• The provision of useful up-to-date business information and assistance
• The connections and collaboration between members locally, provincially,
nationally, into Africa and abroad
• Expanding the RCCI’s membership base for the benefit of cross-member
connectivity on various platforms of opportunity
• The RCCI is affiliated and associated to the South Africa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Sacci), a formally accredited chamber representing businesses in and around the Randburg and surrounding areas
• Nationally, the RCCI is affiliated to Sacci – the SA Chamber of Commerce and
Industry– which represents 50 chambers throughout SA
• Internationally, Sacci is affiliated to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) through the ICC SA.

Why is Randburg so great for businesses?

Randburg is a fabulous town that has an array of shops, schools, great residential areas, parks, great sports grounds and churches and of course businesses. It’s a buzzing hub of daily activity.
All of this would not be possible if Randburg did not have incredible components that make working and living in the arear pleasurable and financially viable to run and operate your businesses in. We have a solid infrastructure. Randburg has a network of roads that connect the North, South, and East and West Rand. These roads are used by private vehicles as well as the multitude of businesses in the area.
Goods are transported. Relationships and business dealings are formed and built by the ability to travel to various areas in and around Randburg.
Good infrastructure makes traveling to work easier and easy for businesses to travel in and out of the community with ease to the other surrounding business and residential areas. The easy road access and highway access enables people to commute to and fro very easily. The solid infrastructure of courts, municipal buildings, libraries, office space, colleges, flats, shops, houses, schools and churches have been built over the last 60 years.

Another aspect that makes running a business in Randburg great is the assortment of buildings and business sites available to the business sector. With numerous commercial buildings, both new and old and those in the process of planning for upgrading, shows just how much development there has been in the area in the last 60 years.
Randburg is so rich with possibility that it is not only a community for private homes but a place where a private home can also serve as a work from home/ business office.
The growing population means there is an increase in workforce which can only but aid the number of people working within the area giving the economy the boost it needs.
The growing population means that more innovators are coming into the community which also ensures that more people have jobs. We do need to sustain the employment opportunities and also the SME development of one-man small businesses which are springing up all over the place.
There is a lot going for Randburg and the people that operate and live in the community, are people who have the passion and pride for their area and want to see it continue to be a safe, clean, tidy and economically viable place to live and work. Continued negotiations with the City of Johannesburg and the various MMCs of Economic Development, Safety and Security, Social Development etc. all ensure that we support our local businesses to thrive in a safe and economically efficient area.
RCCI also supports the local CPF and LDAC and is on their committees to ensure that we have a voice for our businesses.
Good relationships with the Randburg police and Brigadier Jones give us peace of mind that we have the freedom to address issues should we have the need to do so.

Helpful Tips

Most businesses succeed because of determined entrepreneurs who know the worth of their company. Whether you are looking to start a business or keep one going at a lucrative pace, it is important to have some fail-safe tips to keep in your back pocket.
Linda Blackbeard, CEO of the Randburg Chamber of Commerce gives a few helpful tips to having a company that, like Randburg, see 60 years of success.

Tips on how to make your business ‘future proof’:

• Do what you do best and do it well
• Do not try to be everything to everyone
• Offer excellent customer service
• Be sincere and honest in your business dealings
• Let your reputation of how you do work speak for itself each day. You are only as good as your last deal
• Give quality service and products always
• Be proud of what you do and let it show in your business activities
• Keep up with technology. Business, and the way we do business, is changing at a very fast pace and you need to stay abreast of these developments
• Watch your costing and don’t waste
• Keep your pricing for services and goods realistic. Do not try to make a fortune with high pricing, you will lose clients and your business will suffer
• Ask for help in the right places
• Join your Chamber of Commerce who has your interests at heart. We want to see you succeed. It is not self-gain for us but rather you
• Keep up with skills development.
• Never stop learning
• Stay focused
• Be strong
• Be polite always – remember, you are in business because you have clients. You are not the one doing them a favour to serve them, it is you they are doing the favour of supporting you, so treat clients/customers well
• Keep goals in sight and fight for yourself to reach the top
• You cannot rely on anyone to make you happy but you, and if you do
not like yourself how can you expect anyone else to like you, so
stay positive
• Keep telling yourself, no matter how tough it gets, you can make it. When the going gets tough – the tough get going
• Support your local business around you for your requirements and
negotiate deals
• Build solid, meaningful relationships of integrity and sincerity, it will carry you far.

How the Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry began

For the past six decades Randburg has grown from a new town, with nothing, and built itself up over the years and expanded its borders, to become a thriving community. Growth and development over 60 years, have been at the forefront of making this community the powerhouse it is. RCCI has always been there as a support and guardian for business.
The Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) has played an integral role in ensuring that businesses in the community not only keep abreast of any new developments, but has also assisted businesses connect with each other, offered training and all forms of business support making it an organisation that is mutually beneficial to any business, big or small, to be active members of the Chamber. The RCCI’s continued alliance with the City, local CPF, social activities, schools and sporting has ensured a close walk with the community and ensures a solid relationship with all for the support of all. We are here to serve, and we want to serve businesses the best we can.

This year, the RCCI turns 60 years old and through the years the organisation has managed to help ensure the growth and assistance to many businesses. But how did it all start and how has it managed to play such a key role in aiding to make Randburg what it is today? Its origins are said to be owed to the farsightedness and acumen of Max Sklaar, a young pharmacist who had a business in Mayfair, who realised quite early on the tremendous potential of the north. In 1948 he moved his pharmacy to Ferndale and after working and living in the area for several years, he joined the a local Chamber of Commerce 1956. Sklaar then began to canvass for members in the area as development became rapid. His canvassing paid off and he managed to bring in membership from several businesses in the area. After about a year he decided to start a chamber because the growth rate justified it. He then canvassed more members and managed to have a total of 12 membership with the annual membership fee set at £10. Randburg Chamber of Commerce was registered and opened its doors in 1959 when the Randburg Town Council was established. RCCI became affiliated to the South African Chamber of Business (SACOB) which later changed its name to South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A town council was important to have as Randburg was a growing town and under Sklaar’s tenure, the RCCI was very instrumental in helping Randburg see many developments such as shopping centres, and the development of Randburg CBD. Although this met with some challenges, the chamber managed to be exactly what it set out to be, an organisation that would not only help businesses find their success but ensure the community got its best opportunity to become a great place for all.
In 1984 the chamber celebrated its silver jubilee and Sklaar, who at the time, had been the longest serving president of the chamber, was awarded a special certificate acknowledging his 25 years of business and active participation in Randburg’s development.
“We salute you, sir for your commitment and dedication,” said the CEO Linda Blackbeard.
“We also wish to congratulate our current and longest supporting member, Campbells Locksmith, who celebrates their 45th year as members of the RCCI.
“Today we have kept its ethos and continue to bring members on board. We have diversified, where necessary and moved with the times to embrace and encompass the essential traits a chamber should have for it to see another successful 60 years.
“We thank all businesses for their support over the years and encourage all new business in the area to become part of the Chamber family. “

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