
House robbery and housebreaking increase during the load-shedding

HONEYDEW – Safety tips from the Honeydew police on how to prevent house robbery and housebreaking.

HONEYDEW – The Honeydew police have provided some tips for the community on how to prevent house robbery and housebreaking especially during load-shedding.

Safety tips on how to prevent burglary:

  • Know all emergency numbers
  • Make provision for good outside lighting but switch the lights off during the day
  • Do not leave your gates, garage, front or back door open or partially open – it serves as an invitation to burglars
  • Never open the door automatically whenever the bell rings or if someone knocks
  • A watchdog is a good early warning system. Keep the dog visible as a deterrent but beyond the reach of strangers
  • If your house alarm goes off or you hear strange noises or your dogs bark, switch on the outside lights, but do not go outside
  • When employing someone request their identity document and make a copy thereof for safekeeping. Check their previous employment references and do security clearances at the police station
  • Instal the best security you can afford, for example, security gates for outside doors. Keep these gates locked. If possible fix a door viewer and latch chain
  • When approaching your house entrance by foot or by car ensure that it is safe to enter and that you have not been followed. Be aware of persons loitering at the entrance or street
  • Always keep your keys safe to prevent duplication thereof. Never leave your house keys under a doormat or in a pot plant. Once you have locked your door from the inside remove the key and place it in a safe place
  • Know your neighbours and build a relationship of mutual trust and support
  • It is always best to arrange with persons living in the same street as you to be ready at all times to come to the rescue of one another in dangerous or suspicious times. Exchange phone numbers or signalling methods when you find yourself in distress. Your strength always lies in how many people are able to support you in an emergency
  • If you buy luxury goods, cut up the boxes and dispose of them in tied black bags – a branded box is a tell-tale sign of what thieves could find in your house
  • Keep cash and valuables in banks and safes
  • Store your firearms in a safe place.

In the case of such events occurring contact the Honeydew Police Station emergency number 011 801 8613/4/5.

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