Trinityhouse Randpark Rigde – Educators


Future Focused Learning

As MIC (Master in Charge) of Boys Hockey at the school I worked closely with Brad on the Hockey Field over the last 5 years. He was an excellent ambassador for Trinityhouse High School and he led by example and this served to endear him to both his coaches and peers alike. He was Captain of the 1st team in his Matric year and he was awarded his U18 b Southern Gauteng Boys Hockey Colours in 2018. It was a great honour for me working with Brad. He is a self-motivated individual in all spheres of life, and this was clear to see on the Hockey Field as well.

Cobus Louw, Deputy Principal                                    

Trinityhouse High School Randpark Ridge       


Bradley is an exceptional young man with the utmost respect for others.

He has an exemplary work ethic and he never missed a deadline. He excelled in all spheres of school life – he was able to give of his time on the sports field, as head boy and in the classroom. Bradley copes well under pressure. He has an outstanding ability to analyze and solve complex problems to come up with viable solutions.

Bev Radford, Accounting and Business Economics Teacher

Trinityhouse High School Randpark Ridge       



Bradley was our Head Boy. As the executive member in charge of the Prefects I worked very closely with him and the rest of the executive prefect team. We met once a week to discuss any matters arising and this often involved helping him (them) with tricky decision-making and advice. Part of my role was a mentoring of the four of them in terms of leadership/time management/decision making etc Bradley was an outstanding leader with a wisdom beyond his years. He truly got the balance right. He worked exceptionally hard and played just as hard. He excelled at ALL he did, none the least in his role as Head Boy. I also taught Bradley English so we were able to engage on that level as well. It was a privilege to mentor him specifically in a leadership role.

Clare Pretorius,   Senior Deputy Principal

Trinityhouse High School Randpark Ridge       


Bradley has a natural Mathematical acumen and is particularly strong in the skill of problem solving.  He was an absolute delight to teach – always eager to gain new knowledge and asking pertinent and thought provoking questions.  He has exceptional time management skills.  I know that Brad will certainly be one of Trinityhouse’s  success stories and I look forward to hearing about his future achievements.

Gill Blane, Mathematics Teacher

Trinityhouse High School Randpark Ridge       


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