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Born2Run the Comrades Marathon

BLAIRGOWRIE – EasyEquities Born2Run Athletics Club had 200 of its members participate in the Comrades Marathon this year and the club could not be happier.


EasyEquities Born2Run Athletics Club celebrated the success of about 200 runners who participated in this year’s Comrades Marathon.

Club treasurer, Trad Cruickshank said it was amazing to have so many runners participate as three years ago they only had about 30 compete.

“It is great to see such growth in the club,” he said, adding what sets the club apart from other clubs is their desire to see everyone reach their potential and have a great time getting there.

Stephanie Smith of Born2Run is cheered on at the Comrades Marathon where she finished in a time of 7:00:30. Photo: Sven Musica

One of the runners, Benedict Jackson, said training for the Comrades started in January, so runners give themselves five months to prepare. His toughest part of the marathon was after 70km, “Most runners lose the ability to motivate themselves at this point, this is where mental toughness and running with heart is more of a factor than all the training you have done,” he said.

Graeme McCallum finishes the marathon in 7:17:48. Photo: Sven Musica

When asked what motivated runners to complete this grueling marathon he said all runners ran for their own reasons.

“Everyone runs for something different, some run for their children or in memory of a lost loved one,” said Jackson.

This was Jackson’s fourth Comrades Marathon which he completed in 8:34:34. He explained he kept coming back because consistency bred improvement and each year he gets the chance to improve on his times. Furthermore, he loves running because everyone goes through the same feelings as you do.

“You can relate, even if you’ve only known another runner for two minutes.”

Jackson concluded what makes the Comrades special was there were no second chances or backup races. “It’s the risk that makes it so rewarding.”

Quintin Hockey replenishes himself as he takes a moment to gather his breath. He finished the marathon in 7:24:10. Photo: Sven Musica


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