
‘Report all crime, trivial or not’

HONEYDEW – Police set to be visible in areas with high crime rates.

Due to high police visibility, crime awareness campaigns and stop-and-searches, Honeydew police recorded low criminal activities during and after the festive season.

However, Captain Balan Mutha, the station’s spokesperson expressed concern about Cosmo City and Zandspruit, two areas in the precinct with non-compliance tendencies.

Muthan said although there had been isolated incidents in and around the area, increased visibility and crime prevention operations were still being conducted to keep crime levels low.

“There are a few isolated incidents which have occurred in and around the area. The first was in Golden Harvest Park where a member of the community was stabbed. Another involved the arrest of a man in Zandspruit who is accused of housebreaking and theft,” said Muthan.

He warned residents to avoid walking in quiet parks alone and encouraged them to report a crime incident immediately. “Because it’s summer, residents tend to walk their dogs or jog early in the morning and just before sunset, not realising they are making themselves easy targets for criminals.

“All incidents must be reported, no matter how trivial it may seem, so that patrols and police presence can be increased in those affected areas.”

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