
Councillor reflects on achievements in Ward 102

RANDBURG CBD – Councillor David Potter is looking forward to continue working with residents in the ward in 2017.

Ward 102 councillor David Potter reflects on the achievements and challenges in his ward during this year.

He said the Randburg bridge was finally removed, giving the Randburg CBD a new look.

The first phase of the three-phase programme for Randburg is just about to be completed with the Hill Street pedestrian mall looking great.

“Work along [the] William Nicol embankments has started, to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians. Some roads in the ward have been rebuilt, albeit with some contractor issues and frustrations caused to the residents,” he said.

He said there was progress with the widening of Conrad Drive bridge in Blairgowrie.

Potter thanked all voters who went out to vote on 3 August for a change in the City of Johannesburg. “It has been a busy few months since the election. The expectation of an immediate change is understood, but is not the reality,” he said.

He added that the City’s administration needed to change in order to accelerate service delivery and meet the expectations of residents. According to him, the City’s executive was working extremely hard at budget adjustments, entity changes, and improvements in service delivery.

One of the main challenges in Ward 102 was the loitering of displaced people in public open spaces, although the new administration is now addressing this plight.

“There is a great concern around the disbanding of compulsory Central Improvement Districts across the City, and I am hopeful that the Randburg one will be strengthened to ensure that the cleaning and security of Randburg remains a priority for all property owners,” he said.

Potter was hopeful that the appointment of more Metro police officers would assist with the enforcement of bylaws and traffic management.

“At this stage, there are not enough officers to attend to the issues in an effective, timely and consistent manner,” he said.

Vacant properties in the Randburg CBD were also a challenge in the ward as these properties are owned by the City. “Continued pressure will be put on the City to ensure the properties are well managed, if they are to remain vacant or further developed,” he said.

Future plans

Potter indicated that next year, there would be increased public participation in decisions around town planning. Quarterly cleanups will also be a feature, and suburbs are encouraged to get together and clean up their neighbourhoods

“I am excited for a refreshed Bordeaux North Community Forum, and look forward to working with the committee in the future. Residents are encouraged to Look and Log all issues they see in their suburbs. Councillors are available to assist with issues unresolved if they have been logged and not attended to.

“Finally I wish everyone a safe, enjoyable and family-orientated festive season. I look forward to working with the communities of Ward 102 in 2017.”

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