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Businessman raises funds through promoting responsible driving

FERNDALE – Ron Govender aims to raise funds for charities and encourages responsible driving.

Businessman and founder of Free Trafficked Humans Enslaved Mercilessly (Free T.H.E.M) Ron Govender, who operates from his office in Ferndale, established the organisation in a bid to raise awareness about human trafficking in South Africa.

Through his non-profit organisation he, along with other volunteers, raise funds by approaching organisations to offer donations toward the charities he supports. Govender said that last year he had a good year where a supermarket chain donated a bakkie full of groceries which he donated to a women’s shelter in Bertrams.

He partnered with Alcoscan Breathalysers who donate breathalysing machines that assist them in raising funds for Free T.H.E.M and other charities that are in need.

” We attend major events and concerts with breathalysing machines which are donated to us where we breathalyse people in order to get a donation that will go toward our NPO. It is up to the individual how much money they want to donate ” said Govender.

While promoting responsible driving, Govender aims to also make people feel that they care about their safety and also gives us a platform to raise awareness for our NPO and other charities that they support.

Last year at the RMB WineX wine festival, they raised R 10 000 through donations made by people who used the breathalysers . All proceeds went toward the Pebbles Project that raises funds to supports children and their families with a variety of their needs.

“This year we plan to approach events companies to allow us to breathalyse more people in order to raise funds, create awareness about human trafficking and to promote responsible driving,” said Govender.

He also added that the number of deaths on the road from last year had increased due to drinking and driving. He urged people to be responsible on the road.

“People must consider that you may buy yourself out of being arrested for drinking and driving but you cannot buy your conscious after you hit someone on the road,” Govender concluded.

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