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Police advise residents to be on alert during holidays

KENSINGTON B – Residents need to more suspicious of criminals following them from the airports.

Residents in the greater Randburg policing precinct are warned to be more vigilant, especially when travelling during this festive season.

This follows criminal trends such as housebreaking and robbery, theft from unoccupied homes as well as driveway robberies which usually escalate during this time of the year.

The police also established an increase of follow-home robberies.

Sector 2 manager Constable Mahawe Dlodlo explained that in the Honeydew Cluster most victims were followed from the airports to their homes.

“We have seen a significant number of these crimes, with victims being intercepted at robots before they arrive home,” Const Dlodlo explained.

He added that most of the victims were in possession of expensive items and travelling in private transport.

He advised that residents should leave their homes with highly visible luggage, such as a trailer or caravan at a time when their street is quiet – thus attracting less attention that their homes would be unoccupied when going to holidays.

“We encourage those who are going away for the holidays to refrain from using airport taxis, if possible, as well as remaining highly alert of observers and loiterers when arriving at the airport after the holidays,” Const Dlodlo concluded.

Randburg Police spokesperson Constable Stanley Bopape added that residents should ensure that they are not followed while at the airport.

He explained that residents should use the opportunity to take note of those walking or standing close to them.

“Let them pass and walk ahead of you. Keep stopping as you walk to check your phone or chat to a co-traveller,” said Const Bopape.

Here are some of the safety tips from the Randburg Police to adhere to while on holidays and far from home:

  • Consider storing some valuables at your place of work while away from home
  • Do not leave any garden tools or ladders lying around outside your home
  • Arrange with trusted persons to frequent your home while away on holiday
  • Remain vigilant in protecting yourself, family and possessions
  • Be cautious when allowing your children to visit resorts, recreation facilities, game rooms, rest rooms, restaurants or night entertainment venues.

Details: Randburg SAPS 011 449 9000.

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