
Please buy your own plants

KENSINGTON B – The reader is asking people to stop stealing other peoples' plants.

Julian Thiselton writes:

Early on Saturday morning, 26 September, someone or people helped themselves to 9 pelargoniums from our pavement garden in

Kensington B.

My wife and our gardener have gone to a great deal of trouble to keep our pavement beautiful in keeping with the KRA request to keep

our suburb tidy.

I presume that whoever did this, has their own garden in the area or else what would be the point of doing such a thing?

If they do have one they must be able to afford to buy their own plants as pelargonium are only a little under R40 each at the Gardenshop in Main Road, Bryanston.

I hope whoever did this despicable act reads this, feels even the slightest guilt and has the guts to phone and apologise even if they do it anonymously.

I can be contacted on 072 746 8939.

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