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Jemma Kahn and Roberto Pombo captivate at 969 Festival

BRAAMFONTAIN - 'We Didn’t Come To Hell For The Croissants: 7 Deadly New Stories For Consenting Adults' is definitely not for children.

The title ‘We Didn’t Come To Hell For The Croissants: 7 Deadly New Stories For Consenting Adults’ does not really tell a viewer much in terms of what to expect, and yet it fails to disappoint. The production is also touted as “7 deadly sins and 7 new stories”. Place Jemma Kahn and Roberto Pombo on the stage to tell a story using Kamishibai (the Japanese “paper drama”) and it suddenly becomes something jarring, shocking, funny and spectacular.

Each story addresses one of the seven deadly sins and is written with a contemporary twist. There are moments that cut to the bone, there are moments that are side-splittingly funny, and there are moments that cause periods of reflection. Aptly, the show has an age restriction of 16 as parts of it can be construed as somewhat ribald and raunchy, but without being crude.

Kahn’s delivery is so precise and her comic timing does not miss a beat. Depending on the story being told and the character telling it, she almost seems able to switch genders. Pombo doesn’t say a word throughout the play but is a force unto himself. Between sound effects, mime and facial expressions, he’s hilarious. He puts up a good fight for attention.

This play is is featured in The 969 Festival at Wits University which runs until 27 July 2015.

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