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GALLERY: Sidewalk woes for business owners

FERNDALE – Ferndale residents are still struggling with collapsed pavements in Surrey Avenue.

Collapsed portions of pavement in Surrey Avenue, Ferndale, still remain unfixed. These holes in the pavement have only been getting worse as external elements continually erode the damaged pavement.

The largest hole in Surrey Avenue lies outside Nu-Hold Group’s office. The hole has caused limited parking and the possibility of damage that could occur for passing motor vehicles. Employees at this organisation Kobus Miller and Johan Fourie explained that this issue has been going on for 15 months “We have contacted the Johannesburg Roads Agency about this issue frequently and they have only been able to deal with the collapsed pavement sporadically,” Miller said.

Fourie pointed out that the continued presence of the collapsed pavement has lowered the building’s property rent desirability. “We have been struggling for a while to get tenants to rent from the building, purely due to the safety risk and limited parking caused by the collapsed building,” he said.

Ward 102 councilor David Potter explained that this has been a long-standing issue. It is one of a number of issues in which I continue to be disappointed in the [Roads Agency] as they drag their heels in ensuring repairs take place,” he said

Potter pointed out that his office has escalated this matter to senior officials within the agency, and promises of action and resolution have been forthcoming but nothing substantial implemented. “I remain disappointed and concerned with the [agency] related to basic and more complex service delivery failures in Region B,” Potter concluded.

A meeting has been organised with high level agency officials and all the councillors from region B, for 3 June. The meeting will deal with community concerns and solutions.

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