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Residents express grave concern over rates and taxes

EMMARENTIA – Johannesburg residents raised personal queries about the valuation of their properties during a public participation meeting held at Mark's Park.

The City of Joburg officials say they will endeavour to create a clear channel of communication via email and other telecommunication channels where property valuation is concerned.

This was made apparent during the property rates policy review meeting held at Mark’s Park on 17 February, after residents expressed grave concern about the valuation of their properties.

One resident was not impressed with the lack of communication between the City and the community.

The resident said he had been sent from pillar to post when he tried to apply for pensioner’s rebates and said the staff at customer service centres were incompetent.

A Windsor West resident said the value of his property was increased by City officials from R390 000 to R1.2 million within a short space of time.

Other questions involved whether pensioners would receive cutbacks on the rates and taxes to be applied in July 2015.

Hearing the complaints of residents, Ward 102 councillor David Potter advised those with complaints to contact the correct people for assistance.

“If your case is not resolved, go to your Ward councillor. If you still find no joy, refer the matter to the group head of revenue. If you are still not happy, report it to MMC Geoffrey Makhubo,” he advised.

City of Joburg deputy director of Policy and Revenue Enhancement Veli Hlope encouraged pensioners to apply for rebates.

Residents aged between 60 and 69 qualify for a 50 per cent rebate. Those aged 70 and above qualify for a 100 per cent rebate and have to reapply every four years.

Hlophe also asked those who had problems or queries to email him at velih@joburg.org.za.

The follow up meeting will take place in April and May.

Residents can download the 2014/2015 property rates policy, which expires on 30 June, from here. (Please note the link is case sensitive).

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