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VIDEO: Metro cops allegedly caught on CCTV accepting a bribe

WESTDENE – The two police officers caught on camera accepting what seems to be a bribe have not been suspended. They have been simply placed on administrative duty pending investigations.

Two JMPD officers were caught live on camera accepting what appears to be a bribe from a VW Golf driver and his companion in Westdene in December.

“Visuals that have been posted on Youtube and Facebook are included in the investigation of the incident,” said JMPD spokesperson Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar.

“The officers are on duty but have been taken out of uniform to administrative duty,” said Minnaar.

According to Minnaar, if there is “no cash exchanged with hands, then it is alleged corruption.”

When asked if this is the case with the Westdene video footage he said, “this will form part of the investigation for determinations to be made.”

In the video posted on Youtube by Westdene resident Frikkie Botes, a black VW Golf is seen being followed by a clearly marked Metro Police car.

Both cars stop and two Metro police officers exit the vehicle. They appear to inspect the car and the one police officer checks the licence disk. At this point, two civilians have exited the VW Golf. The four engage in conversation and the two government employees head back to their vehicle, followed by the two gentlemen.

They continue in conversation and one of the civilians appears to take something out of what looks like his wallet and hands it over to the officer. As the two civilians make way to their vehicle, the man who handed something to the officer is clearly seen putting his wallet back into his pocket before both vehicles drive off.

The CCTV footage is time-stamped just before 10.30am on New Year’s day.

Botes said he has opened an official case against the JMPD officers.

“The police said they will send someone to collect the footage and I am sure they will follow up on the incident,” he said.

“We must get the public together so we can stop this kind of behaviour. Even the guys in the Golf that paid must be charged because they also committed a crime and are part of the problem…” said Botes.


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