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Come for a spin

FONTAINEBLEAU – Junior Traffic Centre a place for children to ride bicycles and learn the rules of the road.

All children are welcome to ride, play and learn at the Junior Traffic Centre, Fontainebleau.

The centre has small roads, working traffic lights, stop signs, circles and sharp corners where children can ride bicycles and tricycles to learn the laws of the road.

This can be during a birthday party or just for fun.

The Metro Police officers working at the centre, Ellen Mbayo and Tshidiso Monareng, will sing songs and dance with the children and teach them about road safety.

“We are very glad that we can have this centre,” says Metro Police spokesperson Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar. “[Road safety] is important and we hope they can remember these lessons and grow up to be responsible road users.” He adds that use of the facility is free, but bookings must be made through Mbayo or Monareng.

“We might ask for a donation for grass cutting but we would never insist on having the donation. Even then the money would go to the service provider and not to us.” Mbayo says that she has not yet asked for a donation.

Ward 102 and 104 councillors David Potter and Mike Wood invited parents and their children to make use of the centre, especially for birthdays, though they commented that the grass has been left too long.

Details: Metro Police Officer Ellen Mbayo or 071 540 7397; Tshidiso Monareng 082 967 6475; Ward 102 councillor David Potter, Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood,

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